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Build something great, faster

Watch for changes, build for production and learn more about how _tw, WordPress and Tailwind work together

Watching for changes

During development you’ll probably want Tailwind to be watching your theme repository for changes and regenerating your style.css file automatically:

npm run watch

The watch command will run continuously in the background, keeping things up-to-date.

Adding custom CSS

Everything you need to configure Tailwind or to add custom CSS can be found in the ./tailwind folder. The ./tailwind/tailwind.css file imports a variety of other files to generate style.css and style-editor.css. (You should never edit those files directly, as they will be overwritten when new versions are generated.) There are comments throughout the CSS files in the ./tailwind folder explaining what to put in each file.

Adding block editor–only CSS

The ./tailwind/tailwind-editor-extra.css file is processed by Tailwind (so you can use @apply and other Tailwind functionality), and its output file is style-editor-extra.css, alongside the existing style.css and style-editor.css files. It is added by default as an editor style in ./theme/functions.php.


_tw includes esbuild as its JavaScript bundler. For details on how to use it, including an example covering how to install and bundle Alpine.js, please see the dedicated documentation page on JavaScript Bundling with esbuild.


Now with built-in theme.json support, _tw includes a basic theme.json file in its theme folder. The color and width values from that file are automatically made available to Tailwind via a Tailwind plugin.

This means the top-level colors in theme.json can be used in Tailwind (with classes like bg-primary or text-primary), and the values for contentSize and wideSize are available for setting max-width with either max-w-content or max-w-wide.

Please note that if one or more of your color palette’s slug values matches a slug in Tailwind’s default color palette, those colors from the default palette—including all shades—will be overridden by the color value from your theme.json file.

(Still not using the block editor? You can safely ignore the included theme.json support entirely!)

Tailwind Typography

Tailwind Typography comes preinstalled with _tw. To learn how to set up the Typography plugin in your generated theme, please see the dedicated documentation page on using Tailwind Typography.

Tailwind plugins

Tailwind’s other first-party plugins are automatically installed when you run npm install, but they won’t be active until you uncomment the appropriate line or lines in the plugins block of your tailwind.config.js file.